User Role Definitions

CourseMill separates user roles into six primary categories:

Global Administrators

A global administrator manages all organizations in the site. They can do everything a single organization administrator can do (see below) as well as manage the properties for the entire site. These users are created under Admin Tasks -> Manage Admins.Click the Add Administrator button; then select the value of -All- from the Restricted to Organization drop-down list on the pop-up window.

Single Organization Administrators

Single organization administrators manage the creation/management of instructors, reporters and users, the creation/management of curriculum or courses, and manage the development of custom reports. Select the single organization to which this admin is restricted.

Administrators Assigned By SubOrgs

Administrators that are assigned to a single particular organization can also be further restricted to one or many sub-orgs. By clicking Assign Administrator, you can limit the administrator to certain parts of the organization. Click Select to see the values in each sub-org category. When finished narrowing down your selection, click Add to add the rule to limit this admin’s access.

Students, Instructors and Reporters

  • Student is the default role when a new profile is created. However a student can also be an Instructor or Reporter by selecting those respective privileges.

  • Selecting the privilege Guest restricts the user to view course material only. No data is tracked for a Guest account, so no record of guest activity is maintained. Guest accounts cannot be modified once they are created.

    The Guest role can only be assigned during the User Profile creation process. It can never be changed - only deleted.

  • Selecting the privilege Instructor allows the user to register students, add course content, and update gradebooks only for courses/sessions for which they have been assigned as an instructor. Inherently, Instructors are always students as well.

    The user interface for an instructor provides a Switch Role button next to your login to navigate between the student interface and Instructor interface screens. When the instructor logs in, the default is to land on the instructor interface. They can click over to the student interface at any time.

Two areas on the User Profile become active when creating a reporter role.

Reporter with the CC enabled receives all notifications enabled for the student. Reporters with a large student assignment population can receive considerable email on a consistent basis.

Additional Permissions

Users assigned the instructor or reporter roles can be individually customized to provide additional capabilities. This is accomplished on the Permissions tab in the User Details.


Use this box to control whether the user can add and/or manage curriculums by checking the appropriate check boxes.

Add Curriculum The user can add a curriculum.
Modify Existing The user can modify the details of any curriculum.
Duplicate Curriculum The user can duplicate any curriculum.

The user can delete any curriculum.

Register in Curriculum The user can register students in any curriculum.

By creating the custom role the user has access to all functions in a particular area – curriculum, course/session or user.

Example: If an instructor is assigned Add Course capability, they can create a new course and all attributes of the course.


Use this box to control whether the user can add and manage new courses and sessions.

Add Course The user can add a course.
Add Session The user can add a session.
Modify Existing The user can modify the details of any course and its sessions.
Delete The user can delete any course and sessions.
Register in Course The user can register students in any course and session.
Modify Content The user can modify the content of any course.
Gradebook The user can adjust grades in the Gradebook.

Use this box to control whether the user can add and manage new users.

Add User The user can add a user.
Modify Existing The user can modify the details of any user.
Delete The user can delete any user.
Change Password The user can modify a password.
Register a Student The user can register any student in any course or curriculum.
Import User Data The user can batch import user data.
Gradebook The user can adjust grades in the Gradebook.

Caution: Assign Delete permissions carefully! Once records are deleted they can only be recovered from a back-up file. For Trivantis-hosted customers, the last 15 days of activity is readily available as well as Audit reports that can provide great detail. A warning message is provided during the Delete process requiring the user to confirm the decision to delete records.

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